I am at the airport once again, fortunately (or unforunately) I am not drunk. The San Francisco International Terminal is a very impressive architectural structure and design. It is also filled in with some great art. They had a small display on modern furniture design with molded plywood, and a section on Thailand's Buddha sculptures. Since when did airports get so loaded with cool stuff? I just may have never noticed.

As a child, whenever I went to the airport with my folks, it was a hurried and anxious affair. Constantly being rushed by my dad, and doing nothing but waiting. While I was strolling through the terminal chugging my non-regulation 5oz. water, I realized that damn this isn't so bad. I have leveraged all sorts of techniques to make flying out not stressful at all. Here's some stuff I did:

-Technology: Virgin America has self-check kiosks with by far the easiest confirmation codes to remember. No need to even print out a ticket. I just memorized my 6 letter code.
-Luggage: I've always made it a habit, to pack as little as possible. Less really is more.
-Transportation: BART goes straight from my home to SFO. My work bus drops me off right at the BART station!

I'll elaborate more on packing light another time, but keep in mind all sorts of easy techniques that can lessen your stress when traveling.

Update: What luck, even having to go through special full security check wasn't that bad! It let me skip the line, and they fast tracked my screened stuff to the front of the line, and I cut the longer metal detector/screening line. I wonder if they treat all potential terrorist with this much VIP love.


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