me: we need to do some blog posts
we're slacking! losing readership!
Mark: so i am torn between water conservancy and the courtesy flush....what are your thoughts?
me: could you define the courtesy flush?
btw, i was hoping we do a spinoff blog about gentlemen lifestyle etc.
turns out they already got a magazine
Sent at 10:35 AM on Friday
me: actualy i don't think its that great
Sent at 10:36 AM on Friday
Mark: the mag or courtesy flush
me: the mag
sorry talk more about the coutesy flush
Sent at 10:38 AM on Friday
Mark: courtesy flush: flush the toilet immediately after the bowel movement has hit the water in order to minimize the amount of air contact time resulting in a minimized cloud of funk. It is generally observed only when others are in the bathroom as a common "courtesy"
Sent at 10:40 AM on Friday
me: ah
yeah there is quite a bit of water being wasted
i see it as, well the damage is done already
its gonna stink, but for how long who knows
Mark: ahh but there is quite a substantial smell reduction
linger time is brought down to seconds
have you ever tried?
me: not really
Mark: well please try and get back to me
me: well your quick turnaround almost JIT shitter
i'm more of a throne sitter, build-up and relax style
you would think, your style would be more conducive to the one-flush-one kill style
whereas mine is more apt for time and lingering, leading to wanting to reduction of aromas
Mark: yeah but the majority of the blow happens all at once still right?
me: yeah
Mark: see still opportunity for smell reduction
me: if you care much for the environment and water conservation is a big plus, then I suppose smell shouldn't bother you as much
like..hippies <3 environment, and hippies = smelly. thereby, a little poop smell isn't a big deal
Mark: yeah but i am equally concerned about the comfort of my common man
fellow* common man
Sent at 10:50 AM on Friday
me: i suppose, do it only if there is going to be others
if not, then no
Mark: thats the rule i adhere by now
me: sounds like a good rule
Sent at 10:59 AM on Friday
me: sounds like conscious gentleman's rle
Sent at 11:00 AM on Friday

JIT is short for Just-In Time. A phrase we learned from the Lean Manufacturing classes we took.


  1. Urs said...

    best. post. ever.  

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