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Top Ten Reasons for You to Send Urs an R&A
10. She totally gave you one even though she ended up ultimately fixing her monitor herself
9. You are in awe of her utter defiance of gender stereotypes by means of her impressive biceps
8. She has given you the opportunity to be above average even though YOU SUCK! :P
7. She is terribly brilliant
6. Sending her an R&A could make her more inclined to maybe buy you a drink, possibly
5. She manages at least 5 active projects, several other responsibilities, a workout schedule, educational activism projects, and a number of social networks, yet still finds time to brighten your day with her celestial grace*
4. You would like to supplement her extravagant lifestyle
3. She seems to think that you are cool (for some reason) and you want to maintain this status quo
2. You know she's gorgeous
1. You said you would send me one in 2007 and here it is September, 2008, and you still haven't sent me one, betch. :P
*Feel free to use that in the reason for giving the award