Anyone who makes a martini should know this absolute rule. By shaking the martini you thoroughly mix and circulate the ingredients. Something about martini's just scream opulence and class, not to mention deliciousness! For those who are reading, below are two martini's my roommate calls my "signature" drinks. Enjoy!

Green Tea Martini:
1 oz. Green Tea Liquor
1-2 oz. Citrus Vodka
Splash of lime juice and triple sec.
Shaken over ice, and serve in a chilled martini glass.

Pomegranate Martini:
1-2oz. Pomegranate Liquor
1-2oz. Citrus Vodka
1 oz. Triple Sec
Shaken over irce, and serve in chilled martini glass.

There you have it, folks. Drink up!

I feel within (at most ) the next 5 years we will no longer have cellphone plans where you purchase "minutes". As we move more and more towards IP communications and Web 3.0. Your cellphone will just become a medium of virtualization, a conduit to your data that is accessible from any connected device. Instead data plans will become the norm. In fact examples of this are already here. T-mobile already allows you to have unlimited calls on wifi-enabled phones (very similar to UbiCell from my CES 2008 highlights). Other products such as skype mobile have been around for a while and allow you to "cheat" the number of minutes you use each month.

With this idea in mind I try to use as much data on my cell phone each month to stay connected (partly to justify to myself the added cost of having the data plan). With this in mind i stumbled across this sweet program this morning: Palringo. This program is basically a multi-platform mulit-service IM client on steriods. Supporting AIM, G-Talk, ICQ, Yahoo, Jabber, MSN, Gadu-Gadu running on Windows, Linux, Sambian, WM6, Java enabled phones or computers. Palringo allows you to quickly send picture messages, IM's, and voice messages which they call the "walkie-talkie on steroids" feature. Best of all it's FREE! Head over to their website and check it out.

C+. That was the highest grade I ever received in 'handwriting & penmanship' in elementary school. My parents and sibling have great natural hand writing, but I have terrible hand writing. My father is ambidexterous and his penmanship easily trumps mine. Time to change that my friends!

Since I purchased my fountain pen, and my attempts at writing in cards have netted some ill comments. I'm taking that as the *ahem* writing on the wall telling me to start fixing it. Much like my March diet experiment, I will be performing an exercise that will last throughout May and some of June to improve my handwriting. The progress will be tracked here as I write the same statement over and over, and perform exercises to increase my...well whatever it is that measures penmanship.

You may feel that analog writing is going the way of the rollerblade and that digital typing and what have you will soon be prevalant. There is nothing quite as eloquent and prestigious as putting pen to fine stationary. Here's just a small list of things that require handwriting:
-Forged Doctors notes
-Messages in cards
-Personal invitations
-Scribbles on bathroom stalls
-Love letters
-List of specific you need to fetch for your significant other.

Okay, so we have been slacking on writing posts pretty badly lately. Well fret no more, my friends, for I have returned to write a small blurb to inform all our loyal readers that we will resume our regularly scheduled (its not scheduled) postings the following week. I apologize for the delays, I have been busy traveling every weekend and working (sorta). Mark will be contributing some good posts soon, he got Pearl Harbored with work.

We appreciate any of you readers left still returning to our page, and stick around, more random ramblings coming!

Alright, since I am here sitting at SFO using T-mobile's hotspot with nothing to do for the next half hour, I suppose I could give you guys a little posting...I'm a little buzzed from drinking, don't hate!

I got to pee.

I'll probably end up editing this post...or Mark will do it. Better not post.

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