
Anyone who really knows me, probably has heard design/lifestyle aesthetic: minimalism. Trying to live simply as well as bringing value of quality over quantity. Investing in pieces that are of high-value (not necessarily monetarily). This also extends to my awkward stance of getting rid of a lot of items/possessions.

Anyways, I suggest everyone view Possessed. The documentary follows several people who have hoarding issues. What is more interesting is how some of these people recognize something is wrong, but are seemingly powerless at the daunting task of making change.


  1. Mark said...

    This video is very well done. It's amazing that people live like this. I recomend everyone check it out.  

  2. Urs said...

    My aunt totally needs to see this - last I heard, she had stacks of newspapers in one of her houses. I'd tell her myself, but she's a retired colonel and she scares me.  

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