If you can fill in the missing letters above, then chances are you are hip to Blackstreet. Oh you are not? Well friend, grab your Trapper Keeper and kiss your mom at the bus stop, Andrew is going to take you to school. Old School.

Back in 1996 Teddy Riley dropped this bomb of soul-infused hip-hop aural orgasm on the masses and it tore up the radio airwaves. I remember when I heard this on the radio back in my hood of South Tacoma. It was catchy, it was toe-tapping, it was addictive, it was so...hip. This was the second album I ever received on a little hot media called compact disc. Everything from guitar strumming to the lyrics (heavy with slanguage that I use to this day) epitomized what hip-hop and 90's R&B was about.

The song itself strums an ode about that fine playette that everyone wants, but just can not afford and entice (if I had a dollar everytime that happened!) Take a simple-yet-painfully addictive beat, urban slang infused lyrics, and round it out with verses dropped by Dr. Dre and you have yourself a 40 oz. of malt awesome.

Give Blackstreet a little spin on your computer and prepare to be transported to the mid-nineties: a time when oversized clothing was the right size, Fubu was raw, and where Moesha first aired. Just be sure to bag it up.

I'm also including a link to a cover done by a band I am fond of.
Klaxons - No Diggity (Blackstreet Cover)


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