Don't Swallow. Spit!

Guns? Check.
Washboard abdominals? Check.
Ballin'? Check
Rocking body that makes all the hotties wanna get naughty? Check.
Breath? Nope.

Nothing kills the opposite sex, the mood, and the game more than bad breath. Now I can not help you with your game, your lack of social skill, your deviated septum, or your lack of muscular definition; but I can assist in getting your breath so fresh and so clean.

Gargle. Gargle. Gargle.
Grab that bottle of listerine, or my personal choice: Crest Pro Health Mouth Wash. Hey I've been a Crest kid all my life, and my grill shows it. Pull back your head, let that chemically synthesized liquid roll to the back, and expel some air.

Note: Andrew is not a professional of any kind, despite what his business card says. Please do not substitute his wild ramblings for professional assistance and/or care.


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