Throwing a party on a budget? Put back that expensive wine and grab some boxed wine or maybe some 2 buck chuck. According to a new study a higher price made wine taste better. In the study individuals were asked to rate 5 different wines at different price points.
What the volunteers didn't know was that there were only three different wines, and two of them were tasted twice. One one occasion it was described as costing $90 a bottle, on another as costing $10 a bottle.
The volunteers rated the 'more expensive' wine as significantly more likeable despite being identical to the 'cheaper' wine.
In addition, the brain scans showed when the volunteers tasted the wine they thought was more expensive, their brains showed increased activity in the medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC) and its surrounding area, the rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC), both areas of the frontal lobes.
Basically what we can learn from this is buy cheap wine and pour it before your guests arrive and hide the bottle. On the other hand buy an expensive wine first and then just reuse the bottle. Although I don't think he scientists how preformed the study had this in mind. Once again the power of suggestion shows itself.
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