The Research Digest Blog reported on a fascinating study that ones name and initials can influence our success and failure. As it turns out our initials my subconsciously influence our decisions in such away that the outcome of our actions will in some way reflect our initials. The report states that it is our underlying like of out initials that results in this "implicit egotism". The article goes on to show some interesting examples:
First off, an analysis of strike outs (failing to hit the ball three times in a row) in American baseball from 1913 to 2006 showed that players whose first or last names began with K suffered significantly more strikeouts than other players. Why? Because in baseball scoring, K is used to denote a strikeout - "For players with this initial, the explicitly negative performance outcome may feel implicitly less aversive," the researchers said.
Next, an analysis of 15 years of MBA students' grades at a large American University showed that students with the initials C or D achieved significantly lower grades than students whose initials were unrelated to grade scores, and students with the initials A or B.
The article is a pretty interesting read I recommend you check it out. So apparently now we have to think of what rhymes with your child's names and also what his/her initials are. I think I will just name my kid something like Amazing or maybe Brilliant...
Labels: influencing, Psychology, The Mind
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