So I have been checking out some of the CES Award Winners and here are a few of my favorites:

First is the UbiCell by Samsung.  This is for everyone who has poor cell phone reception.  Its a plugin and play device that you connect to your home network.  It uses this connection to connect your cell phone to the cell network.  Those allows high quality secure "5 Bar" cell phone reception in your home or office.  Basically you are putting a cell phone tower in your home although its the size of a small book.  The cell companies love this because you are expanding there infrastructure for them and decreasing the load on the tower.

Next is the Wildcharger.   This little device is a pad you set on your desk and with their technology installed on your mobile device (or using an adapter); charging your mobile device is as simple as setting it on the pad.  This technology would be great installed in cars and in desks in the future.  Look forward for more to come from Wildcharger.

Finally, Responder LE 2-Way Vehicle Security & Remote Start System, from Direct Electronics and Viper.  This device does all of your traditional keychain transponder tasks and more.  This device communicates with your car and signals you via LEDs on the front.  For example press lock and the light will signal you that the car is locked.  But more importantly are the remote start features.  Press the remote start and the keychain transponder will signal you when your car has reached a comfortable temperature.  Pretty clever little device that has a lot of features.  They have also streamlined the instillation process cutting down on the number of wires and connections necessary.


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