Think Geek has an awesome new product for all you chronic snoozers.  It's an alarm clock that donates money to causes you disagree with every time you hit snooze.  Affectionately dubbed the SnuzNLuz, the alarm clock donates money to a charity of your choosing (that you hate):

Are you a butcher? Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to PETA
Are you a republican? Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to the ACLU!
Are you a land developer? Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to the Wilderness Society!
Enjoy your freedom? (Blue state version) Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to the GOP. or
Enjoy your freedom? (Red state version) Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to MoveOn.Org
Are you a hippie? Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to the American Coal Foundation.

So all you snoozers out there you now can at least be earning a tax write off while you sleep.


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