Paper. Our friend, shaved and treated from the very trees which provide us with shade, oxygen, and love, has been around for centuries. With the advent of technology and the thing many of called "the internet" a lot of people are attempting to stem the flood of paper that one gets constantly.

I'm all about getting rid of paperwork when necessary, but who knows what to get turn into St. Patrick's Day confetti or what to laminiate and seal into your safe box forever? You should know there are a few things you should never get rid of:

  • I don't remember. I might have shredded the document that listed it.

Well, lucky for you "the internet" does remember! The equally-important-to-peruse-as-this-blog Unclutter, has a listing of documents to keep and for the length of time and what to shred.

So remember folks: The pen might be mighter than the sword, but the sword can cut trees to make paper. (What now, pen?)


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