"I always had a passion for flashing' before I had it I close my eyes and imagine, the good life"

-Kanye West, Good Life (featuring T-Pain)

I've always desired to look good and carry myself about with a deboniar flair. Constantly wishing to harken back for mid 18th-century gentlemen's wear. What other way than putting on a cravat or better yet an ascot?

My personal favorite takes are the "Day Cravat", which bestows a level of sophistication while subtly saying "Frankie says Relax." Put on the "Knotted Ascot ~Naud Gordien~" and you will exhudes boatloads of sophistication that even Sean Connery would shout "You're the man now, dawg!"

So next time you are out enjoying a wonderful evening at the San Francisco Opera with your beautiful speech therapist wife¹, throw on an ascot and see if you do not feel the ire of envy knowing that amongst the suit and tie, you are looking super fly!

¹You know who I'm talking about.


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