There is a fascinating article over at Scienceblogs on Caffeine and its how to optimise its effects. The article recommends:

  1. That it is better to consume small amounts over time; roughly "20-200mg per hour"
    A landmark 2004 study showed that small hourly doses of caffeine (.3mg per kg of body weight [approx 20 mg per hour; thanks digg!]) can support extended wakefulness, potentially by counteracting the homeostatic sleep pressure, which builds slowly across the day and acts preferentially on the prefrontal cortex (an area of the brain thought responsible for executive and "higher" cognitive functions).
  2. Being "high" on caffeine heightens certain cognitive tasks.
    Caffeine may increase the speed with which you work, may decrease attentional lapses, and may even benefit recall - but is less likely to benefit more complex cognitive functions, and may even hurt others. Plan accordingly
    (and preferably prior to consuming caffeine!)

    3. Boosting caffeine's effects.

    Caffeine's effects can be maximized or minimized depending on what else is in your system at the time.

    The beneficial effects of caffeine may be most pronounced in conjunction with sugar. For example, one factor analytic study has shown caffeine-glucose cocktails provide benefits to cognition not seen with either alone.

    4. "Know when to stop - and when to start again."

    Although you may not grow strongly tolerant to caffeine, you can become dependent on it and suffer withdrawal symptoms. Balance these concerns with the cognitive and health benefits associated with caffeine consumption - and appropriately timed resumption.

    Long-term ingestion of large quantities of caffeine (by way of coffee) is associated with a variety of health benefits - not only cognitive enhancements but also reduction in risk for type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's . These beneficial effects may be related to the neuroprotective role of adenosine.

    With all the benefits including reducing the risk of Type II diabetes and Parkinson's disease. Do yourself a favor and reach for that second cup of coffee, put some sugar in it (it will last longer), pull up a chair and check out the original article.


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