A Deal is a Deal!

For those who know me, you know I am a deal hunter.  I really try not to pay MSRP for anything.  I am out every Black Friday early in the morning getting the once a year prices on the latest gadgets and generally dedicate my Sunday morning to scouring the ads for a good deal.  I have decided to share some of my secrets.  Below are a few of may favorite sites for Hot Deals:

  • Deal Dump - Aggregates all the latest deals from some of the best deal sites on the web.
  • Black Friday Ads - This site is great for Black Friday.  Posts the ads weeks in advance and also has a user deal rating tool and shopping list feature.
  • Slick Deals - Great site it is also covered by Deal Dump but I like to visit it on its own since Deal Dump only shows latest 10 deals.
  • Deal Spy - This site is still in its infancy.  However, has the potential to be very useful.  It uses a Digg like voting system to help eliminate some of the "fluff".  Like I said it's still new so sign up and start submitting so it gets better.

These are my favorites if you have a good one that is not listed here please leave it in a comment.  With these gas prices we all benefit.

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  1. AQL said...

    Fatwallet (which usually has the same deals listed at the other page)
    Woot.com (A Deal A Day!)  

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